After I have studied about 1 semester at Gunadarma
University . And passed some exam . I got some holiday from my University .
It’s just 2 weeks . But It feels so long holiday, because it’s very bored . I
didn’t go anywhere . I just stayed at home and helped some job from my father ,
I’m also sometimes deliver some project job from my father’s company .
it, I just not only help my father’s job. I also go to sea to refresh my brain
from my study at University . It’s very painfull task from my University. At
the sea , I went swiming with all of my friends , after swim, we rent a
speedboat to the middle sea for fishing , we were very happy because we got
many big fish and fresh squid . We got some fun activities at the sea until
evening , and in the night, we cook our fish for eaten together for dinner , we
stay at the villa near the beach , and we sleep until tomorrow, and in the next
day, we went to home again
Holiday , I also take a car steering school . I start to courses steering car
because I want to can drive a car. I studied it about 8 days sessions . And be
gratefull , Now I can drive a car , It’s very awfull holiday.
And at
the end of holiday, I go to the Bogor with some firends to saw some greatfull plant at Kebun Raya
Bogor, there , I saw a big flowers ‘Amorphophalus Titanium’ . Bogor’s people
say it ‘Bunga Bangkai’ . After I saw it, I we take some foto from Bogor . Bogor
is very good city , It’s very clean and have some fresh oxygen . we stay at
bogor from morning until night , we eat dinner at Botani Square Mall . After
eat dinner. We went home together
Althought my holiday just like
that, I’m very happy because I still have some activities . Than I do something which not good and useful
for each other . I still can help my parents and home job. Well , It’s very
bored activities , but just enjoy it .
After 2 weeks holidays, I start
study again in 2nd semester . Start study with a new brain, new spirits and new
lecturer , haha . I hope this semester I can get the best prestation for
felicitate my parents .
Name : Jakfar Siddiq
Class : 1EA10
NPM :13212893